Give to SLC

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To our alumni, friends, and supporters

Since 1973, the Student Learning Center has served as a space for academic and lifelong transformation. By embracing lifelong learning, social justice, community, and innovation, we have empowered 170,000+ Cal undergraduates to Seek Knowledge. Locate Passion. Change the World. We invite you to hear some of their stories of transformation here.

In turn, these students have brought out the best of us, fortifying our commitment to service, strengthening our pedagogy, and enriching our core values

We hope you will make a donation to support our work today. Your generosity is vital to our ability to continue providing high-touch, high-quality academic support to over 10,000 undergraduates annually. Moreover, it will help ensure our mission to support educational access and equity for all Cal students. 

Want to know how we stretch your dollar? 

  • $20 = One hour of individual tutoring 
  • $150 = One weekly 2-hour study group for up to 100 students
  • $500 = Six weeks of Group Academic Coaching for a cohort of 6 students. 
  • $1,200 = One 3-Hour exam review for up to 500 students

Interested in supporting a specific SLC initiative? 

  • $2,000 = Author speaking fees and 20 copies of one LEP Global Book Club feature read. 
  • $5,000 = Faculty honoraria and stipends for 10 undergraduate facilitators of #FacultyasWriters Speaker Series, a student-facilitated speaking series that allows undergraduates to engage with Cal faculty across the disciplines.  
  • $6,000 = tuition, room & board for one Summer Bridge participant from historically disadvantaged communties.
  • $6,500 = Stipend for one Research Associate to conduct original research over the course of eight weeks.
  • $30,000 = Chemistry 32, a 2-unit preparatory course to college-level Chemistry. Designed to prepare students for the rigor of first-year chemistry, Chemistry 32 serves as an entry point into STEM-based majors for students who were not exposed to rigorous science instruction in high school.
  • $50,000 = Twenty $2,500 scholarships for middle-income students to attend Summer Bridge, expanding access points to this transformative summer transition program for entering Cal undergraduates.

Hear Directly From The Students We Serve

Extraordinary Video

UC Berkeley Student Learning Center: Find Your Extraordinary

Let's RAP about Research

Let's RAP about Research: SLC Research Associate Program Scholars Speak On Their Experiences

Learning is Mathemagical

Learning is Mathemagical

Home of the World at Berkeley

Home of the World at Berkeley

Welcome to the SLC

The SLC Story: Transformation through Seeking Knowledge, Locating Passion, & Changing the World